Social Acceptability and Health Effects of Gambling


Social acceptability and health effects are just a few of the questions that need to be answered before we can begin talking about responsible gambling. The social acceptability of gambling is an important part of the issue, but the real question is: Does it have to be so harmful? What should we do to help ourselves get back on the right track? Here are some tips to get you started on the right track:

Responsible gambling

While responsible gambling is a growing concern for gambling operators, there are a number of other important roles for all involved in the industry. Responsible gaming codes of conduct are an essential element of responsible gambling regulations, and they vary in terms of how strict they are and how often they are reviewed. These codes were developed by numerous regulatory bodies, industry associations, and nonprofits. Several of them are linked to specific goals and objectives. Here are some of the main ways these codes help gambling operators prevent problem behavior.

Social acceptability

Studies of gambling advertising and the associated attitudes and behavior have shown that the prevalence of commercial advertisements is associated with a more positive attitude toward gambling and increased engagement with such advertisements when offered. Furthermore, gambling advertising has been found to influence problem gambling behavior, so the prevalence of commercial advertising has been associated with an increase in social acceptability of gambling. However, it remains controversial to determine exactly which factors influence this phenomenon. Further studies are needed to understand how commercial advertising affects the likelihood of people becoming problem gamblers.

Economic harms

A new report by the University of Oxford has revealed that high-to-medium levels of gambling are linked to increased risk of missing payday or mortgage payments. Furthermore, it shows that the higher the amount of money spent on gambling, the higher the risk of suffering a disability or death. The researchers drew their conclusions from financial data, which was anonymized. The data was collected from up to 6.5 million people over a period of seven years.

Health effects

Gambling is a common and addictive activity, but the consequences are often hidden and difficult to diagnose. Gamblers may mask their addiction and display no symptoms at all, but the damage it causes can be extensive. Not only does excessive gambling lead to financial and emotional damage, but it can even result in suicide. As many as five percent of suicides are directly related to compulsive gambling. There are many health effects of gambling, including depression, anxiety, and weight loss.

Impacts on society

Some concerned citizens and institutions have noted the negative impacts of gambling on society. A recent study conducted by the National Gambling Board of South Africa highlighted how the National Lottery negatively impacted the poor and less affluent populations in the country. In addition to the financial and social consequences, excessive gambling also adds to the nation’s costs, including direct regulation and social service costs. It’s no wonder that a lot of people are questioning the merits of legalised gambling, however.